Friday, June 6, 2008

The Sphere In which I live

Here I am living in a new world with all my neighbors being the same advanced age I am and going over the many incidents that brought me here. However upon reflection my life is gong on in a different sphere. With different things taking up my life -- eating at a special time, going to bed at a special time,. Going along not knowing what the next day will bring.But more or less traveling along, handllng thngs as they come.

This I reflect to the eventual end from which there is no return and more or less hope that my life has been agood one Leaving behijnd me the memory of two wonderful women (my wives) and my children. now grown men in their own respective worlds, my grandchild and my great grandchild (Having a great grandchild gives me a feeling of august splendor unrivaled by any other feeling) and whose love I cherish and will forever close my book with whatever shall come.

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