Sunday, May 11, 2008

Around 1946 I left the knitting industry. I went into the field of selling. At that time I was living on Empire Boulevard in Brooklyn. I was selling household cleaning products.Pine oil insecticide, polish, soap, etc. I sold this to homes and businesses. That''s the hard part of it. Sometimes it was easier to sell to businesses. There are more products to sell to businesses. I was able to sell these products to almost any kind of business. I entered the field and found that there were certain areas of thefield that were more productive than others. For awhile I only sold insecticides to restaurants by the gallon.

Other businesses fell intol ine as the productss variesd. Productss changesas the linesvaried. I osld metal polish toguys whoi owned buildings. I couldn't sell them insecticide because they had exterminators.

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